The residents of one Blackburn neighbourhood were among hundreds across the county who hosted their street party as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

People from Swallowfields and Kingfisher Close and adjoining streets were also invited to attend the event on Friday (June 3).

A spokesperson for the group said: “Residents of all ages from all communities helped decorate the streets with buntings and balloons.

The party was enjoyed with delicious food contributed by the Swallowfields and surrounding area residents.”

Cllr Phil Riley, leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council, was joined by fellow Roe Lee councillor Saj Ali and Sylvia Liddle at the party.

He said: "Congratulations to the team of local residents who organised the Street Party on Kingfisher Close.

"What a great way to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and to meet new friends and neighbours.”