POLICE attention was attracted to a car because of its lack of speed, a court was told during a recent drink driving hearing.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Mark Haworth was stopped at traffic lights on April 30, and didn't move when they went green.

After being stopped in Commercial Road, Darwen, he subsequently failed a breathalyser and prosecutor Carl Gaffney said the offence was aggravated because the defendant's six-year-old grandson was in the car.

Haworth, 58, of Bolton Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, having blown 64 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath, when the legal limit for alcohol in your system when driving is 35mcg.

In court on May 19, he was fined £450 with £85 costs and a £45 victim surcharge, and banned from driving for 18 months.

Mr Gaffney said police were behind Haworth at traffic lights and couldn't understand why he didn't move when they turned to green.

"He did eventually move off but very slowly," said Mr Gaffney.

"They followed until the car eventually stopped on the Blackburn with Darwen services.

"The defendant's six-year-old grandson was in the car and that represents, by anyone's measure, an aggravating factor."

Colleen Dickinson-Jones, mitigating, said Haworth had been to a football match at Ewood Park with his daughter and grandson where he had one pint.

The match in question was Blackburn Rovers vs AFC Bournemouth, which the Cherries won 3-0 consigning Rovers to defeat in their final home game of the season.

After the match, they went back to his daughter's house.

"Later his grandson said he was hungry and the purpose of the journey was to take him for a McDonald's," said Mrs Dickinson-Jones.