A LANCASHIRE restaurant is bucking the trend and offering customers ‘non-calorie menus’ after new legislation was introduced earlier this year.

As of April, calorie information must now be featured on menus at any restaurant with over 250 staff as part of a Government drive to tackle obesity in the UK.

A public health crisis, almost two-thirds of adults in the UK are currently overweight or obese which can lead to further health problems and pressure on the NHS for an easily preventable issue. Obesity among children is also concerningly high.

Affecting cafes, restaurants and takeaways, the new laws mean calorie and nutrition information must be displayed on any non-prepacked food and soft drinks prepared for customers.

However, Calico Lounge, in Union Street, Chorley, is giving customers the option to browse a non-calorie menu.

There have been concerns that calories on menus could have a detrimental impact on people who suffer from eating disorders.

Taking to Facebook, Calico Lounge wrote: “We understand how the recent rule change to menus now including calories can affect some lounger’s dining experience.

“We wanted to let you know that we can provide you with non-calorie menus should you prefer!

“Please just ask any of our team, who will happily provide you with this alternative.”

Speaking to the Lancashire Telegraph, a spokesperson said they made this move in order to make the menus as “accessible as possible to all customers”.

They said: “Since it became a new rule to have the calories displayed we wanted to give people the option to not see them, to keep our menus as accessible as possible to all customers.”

Since posting to their Facebook page, the restaurant has received a mixed reaction.

One customer said: “I prefer to see how many calories but I guess ignorance is bliss to some.”

"An eating disorder isn't 'bliss'," someone replied to that comment.

Some mental health campaigners have been against the calorie count legislation with fears it will further perpetuate growing numbers of people developing eating disorders.

An estimated 1.25 million people in the UK suffer from eating disorders according to the charity BEAT, with calorie counting being a prominent symptom of these illnesses.

Pauline Cox, functional nutritionist for Wiley’s Finest sustainable fish oils, says: “Having calorie counts on a menu sends out the wrong message to the general public."

Johanna Bolinder, nutritionist and head of health and sustainability at Spoon Guru, says the new move will allow consumers to make more informed choices.

She said: “Consumers can now make informed choices and get more information on the items they are choosing to eat.

“Whether this policy will have a large impact on reducing calories in the UK diet or not is still uncertain, as much of consumer food choice still needs elements of self-regulation, this continues to be underpinned through educating consumers on healthier choices.”

Simply put, weight gain is caused when people eat more calories than their body needs (a calorie surplus), with the excess calories being stored as body fat.

To lose weight, people need to be in a calorie deficit - eating less calories than their body requires, with nutrition being by far the biggest factor in weight control.