A PROLIFIC thug who assaulted the neighbours of his former partner, tackling one to the ground as they were trying to help her, has been jailed.

Lee Barr, 25, of no fixed address but previously of Darwen, was sent to prison following a hearing at Preston's Sessions House on Monday.

The court heard how Barr, who has an extensive criminal past, including seven assault charges to his name, some of which were committed as a youth, had been subject to a restraining order in relation to his former partner and the mother of his child, who he had assaulted in July last year.

Prosecuting, Paul Brookwell told the court on April 12, Barr breached this order by attending the address of his former partner in Hawkins Street, Blackburn

Lancashire Telegraph:

He said: "His former partner had told her neighbours about Barr and said he had been constantly contacting her that day.

"They went out with her to try and get her some padlocks for her doors.

"Later, his ex sent a message to her neighbours telling them Barr was coming to her house.

"One of her neighbours then went out to speak with Barr who ran at her with his fist and swung her round by her dressing gown as he tried to tackle her to the ground.

"He took hold of her head and punched her with one hand and she banged her head on the pavement and when that happened she said 'it all went blank'.

"She called out for her partner who came out and saw that Barr was on top of his girlfriend.

"He ran over and threw him off her but as he did, Barr punched him to the head and then bit him on the head, before punching him in the mouth and hitting him in his teeth."

The court heard the defendant then left the scene and the police were called, with Barr making no comment in relation to the accounts put to him.

Sentencing Barr to two years in prison, Judge Darren Preston said: "Last year you were sentenced for assaulting your ex-partner and made subject to an order prohibiting you from contacting her and entering Blackburn and a community order which you have breached.

"You are simply a bully who thinks you can do what you want.

"You have to control your temper."

As well as the two year custodial sentence, Barr was given another restraining order lasting for five years.