A COMMUNITY champion is considering using her £1,000 reward to warn against the dangers of drink driving after being convicted of the offence.

Amy Fenton, 23, from Belgrave Road, Darwen, was nominated for one of the government's Respect awards for her work tackling anti-social behaviour in the St John's Street and Rose Hill Street areas of Darwen.

She won the award in June and had planned to spend the money on goal posts for children to play football in Sough Lane.

But the plans fell through because a supplier did not get in touch.

So she is now thinking of using the money, which must be spent on community projects, to raise awareness of the dangers of drink driving with other young people.

Amy was stopped by police while driving in Turncroft Road, Darwen last May, and was found to be twice the legal drink drive limit.

She was banned from driving for 18 months and fined £200 with £50 costs.

She told Blackburn magistrates she felt she had let herself down and that she was considering talking to other youngsters about the incident to help educate them.

Amy said: "Everybody round here knows that I was charged with drink driving and I've spoken to the police about how I can raise awareness, but they said they have their own budget for tackling these kind of issues.

"I have already discussed it with young people I know.

"I've told them how stupid it is, and how frustrating it is not to be able to drive.

"Promoting a campaign against drink driving is something I would definitely think of doing with the money if people backed me and said they thought it would be good for the community.

"I don't want the people of Darwen to think that I am making decisions on their behalf, so I want them to give me some ideas too on how they want it spending.

"If they like my idea for a drink driving campaign, then it will go ahead."

The national awards, launched by the Government, celebrate the hard work and commitment of individuals to improve their communities and tackle anti-social behaviour.

Amy was one of 100 winners chosen from 747 nominations across the country.

Anybody with ideas how the community could benefit from the money should email Amy on afenton@uclan.ac.uk