A LYING mother-of-two said she ‘feared she was going to be pimped out’ before she stole a car and drove 300 metres down the road with her victim on the bonnet.  

Sarah Doughty, who appeared in the dock 12-weeks pregnant, also admitted stealing £5,000 which had been in the boot of the car she had taken.

Preston Crown Court heard the 28-year-old, of Cedar Street, Accrington, had been driving around Blackburn with Kamran Khaliq on June 25, 2020, when she told him she was going to buy his Peugeot car from him.

As part of her ploy Doughty told her victim she would need to be given a lift to her grandmother’s house to get the cash – and on the way there asked Mr Khaliq to take her to the petrol station to put some fuel in the car, for which she said she would pay him back.

However as he was out of the car at the petrol station, Doughty got behind the steering wheel and started driving away.

Realising what was going on, Mr Khaliq straddled the car’s bonnet where he clung for around 300 metres as Doughty drove out of the petrol station, around a roundabout and out onto the road.

He eventually fell off the car, hitting his head and hurting his hand.

In sentencing, Recorder Michael Maher said: “Mr Khaliq jumped on the bonnet in an attempt to deter you.

"You aggressively drove that vehicle and drove out of the service station with the victim clinging onto the bonnet.

“You just wouldn’t give up. You wanted to shake him off and you deliberately applied the brakes in order to facilitate him falling off.”

When first arrested Doughty claimed she believed she was going to be raped by her victim – something she later admitted was not the case.

The court heard how the £5,000 was never recovered, with Doughty's barrister Clare Thomas telling the court her client, a mother of two with another on the way, had "frittered the money away" on alcohol and drugs.

Ms Thomas went on to say that since her offending, her client had "completely turned her life around" explaining how the young mum had been through a "very bad period in her life".

Gregory Bilardi, 19, appeared in the dock alongside Doughty, charged with robbery relating to a separate incident the pair had been involved in together in March 2021.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Prosecuting, Patrick Williamson described how Bilardi, of York Street, Blackburn, and Doughty worked together to rob a takeaway delivery driver of the food they had ordered from a local Chinese restaurant, worth £46.

"In a haze of alcohol and crack cocaine" Bilardi had produced a knife to threaten the delivery man, who consequently gave the pair the food and fled.

In his basis of plea Bilardi stated he turned to drink and drugs following the death of his grandfather in December 2020, something which had led to him becoming involved with an older crowd who had a "negative impact" on his lifestyle.

He said at the time he was smoking crack cocaine and drinking alcohol and acknowledged his actions were not acceptable.

Bilardi had no previous convictions but one caution for stealing a sandwich, while Doughty had two convictions for four previous offences.

Saying he would be "failing in his duty" if he did not send the pair to prison, Recorder Maher jailed Bilardi for 16 months and Doughty for 18 months.

He added: “I have very much in mind that your child is likely to be born in prison and I’m sorry for that, as it is not their fault.

"You have brought that on yourself.”