THINGS turned nasty when a drinking session between four friends ended up with one of them being stabbed with an ornamental knife.

Declan Willis had been leaving Matthew Whitley’s home following an argument when he felt a sharp pain in his back and immediately started coughing up blood.

Preston Crown Court heard how the two men and their partners had been drinking and smoking cannabis at the house on Sefton Street, Colne, where the defendant’s three cats also resided, when an argument broke out involving one of the animals.

Prosecuting, Nicholas Clarke said: “The conversation and mood had appeared amenable but at around 7.30pm there was a confrontation involving one of the cats.

"Mr Willis and his partner were asked to leave and as they were doing so, the victim found that he had a serious pain in his back and he was coughing up blood.

“He had been stabbed in the back by the defendant. He was confused as to how it could have occurred as there wasn’t enough time for him to go into the kitchen to get a knife.

"It transpired that the knife had been in the room at the time and that it was something of an ornamental knife contained within a sheath.”

Mr Willis was taken to Blackpool Hospital by ambulance where it was found he had suffered a punctured lung.

He remained in hospital for a week, some of which he had to spend in intensive care, before he was released and allowed to go back home.

In a victim impact statement, he said since the incident his ability to exercise and go out with his dog had deteriorated and he said he was no longer able to carry out his work as he once was.

Bob Elias, in mitigation, said: “The victim, although recovered from a very serious injury, had behaved in a provocative manner.

"People were drunk and had been taking drugs. My client then made the extremely foolish and rash decision to pick-up the weapon and stab the victim in the back.

“This was potentially a very serious injury but fortunately he has recovered now.

"The defendant knows if you do something like that there will only be one result and that will be custody.

“He is not a man with a particularly long criminal record, but he does need to grow up.

"He is not a likely candidate to re-offend in my opinion, this was a moment of madness and he is bitterly sorry.”

Jailing Whitley for three years and two months, Judge Richard Gioserano said: “It is said that in some way Willis was acting provocatively but whatever may have happened which resulted in the argument, he was leaving the house and was no threat to you at all, yet you took up a knife and stabbed him in the back.

"I repeat again, he was of no threat to you.

“You used a highly dangerous weapon but fortunately after sustaining a serious injury, it could not be considered a grave or permanent injury.”