A 'BULLY’ who left his partner with a chipped tooth, bleeding nose and two black eyes during a brutal assault has been jailed.

Craig Bennett’s then girlfriend was forced to flee to a refuge after he backhanded her following a night out in August.

The 41-year-old, of Blackburn Road, Darwen, who has several previous convictions, was jailed for two years and six months after he was found guilty of three counts of harassment, assault and witness intimidation.

Recorder Andrew Nuttall outlined Bennett’s offending, describing how he had been in breach of a harassment order when contacting and old partner over concerns he had about their son on three separate occasions in June, September and November of 2021.

Preston Crown Court heard how his rage-fuelled attack left his new partner with significant injuries to her face occurred in August, when the pair had been travelling home after a night out.

Mr Nuttall said: “In relation to that incident, you had been in a car after being out together for the night.

"You were clearly in a rage and struck her on the arm and then with the back of your hand on her face.

“You caused her injury – she had a nosebleed, two black eyes and a chipped tooth.

“I can see from looking at you in the dock that you are a powerful man, any physical assault by you is likely to result in an injury.”

The woman, it was heard, moved to a refuge to escape from Bennett following the attack and said she has since felt "isolated and frightened".

Another charge related to an attempt to intimidate his victim once police and court proceedings were underway.

Recorder Nuttall said: “Witness intimidation is taken extremely seriously.

"Any interference with the court system will be treated by punishment.”

He added: “In my judgment your behaviour towards your victims is nothing short of bullying behaviour.

"You used your brute force to seek to impose your will on two vulnerable women.”

Bennett could be heard protesting in the dock as Recorder Nuttall relayed his remarks – saying "not at all" when he was accused of being a bully.

The mechanic, also had his licence endorsed for driving with an invalid licence and without insurance.