A WOMAN who started drinking neat vodka in her lunch hour crashed into a parked car as she drove home from work.

Blackburn magistrates heard Juliet Gorton, who struggled to walk when she got out of her car, gave a breathalyser reading three and a half times the legal limit.

Gorton, 38, of Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. She was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months and made subject to a community order with 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and six months Alcohol Treatment Requirement. She was banned from driving for 40 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £128 victim surcharge.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said police were called to a collision on Whitebirk Road, Blackburn, at 4 pm after a car driven by the defendant collided with a parked vehicle. She appeared to be drunk and was struggling to walk.

When she was interviewed Gorton said she worked at a bakery and had started drinking vodka while she was there. She couldn't recall leaving work but knew she shouldn't have got in her car.

Miss Kenyon said Gorton had a previous drink drive conviction in 2016.

Naima Hussain, defending, said it had been difficult to take instructions from the defendant because of her distressed state.

"She is very remorseful," said Miss Hussain. "She is actively seeking help with her problems."