A FATHER-TO-BE missed the family reveal of the gender of his unborn child after he started the celebration early.

Blackburn magistrates heard Robbie Howarth was already under the influence when he drove onto a petrol station forecourt at 9.30 am, went into the shop and bought more alcohol.

He was breathalysed and arrested and was told of the gender news by a police officer who relayed a message from his mum.

Howarth, 23, of St Peters Close, Darwen, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £500 with £85 costs and £50 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 36 months. The court heard he had a previous conviction for drink driving in 2020.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said Howarth drove onto the forecourt at 9.30 am and purchased alcohol.. He came back into the shop shortly after and purchased something else.

"When the police arrived he was still sitting in his car," said Miss Kenyon.

Colleen Dickinson-Jones, defending, said a big family get-together had been planned for the Victoria pub in the afternoon when the gender of the child would be revealed.

"It was a family celebration but unfortunately he started early," said Mrs Dickinson-Jones. "He accepts it was an act of gross stupidity."