A MAN spat at and racially abused four police officers as they tried to arrest him for being drunk and disorderly, a court has heard.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court was told how Daniel Craig Brown shouted racist abuse at the officers during the incident, which occurred outside a Burnley town centre pub.

Brown, 38, of Spencer Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated threatening behaviour towards PC Arif, assaulting PC Taylor, racially aggravated assault of PC King, assaulting PC Montgomery, and assaulting PC Kelly during the incident.

He also admitted being drunk and disorderly in St James Street. After conceding his guilt, he was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said police were called to the pub because Brown was being disorderly.

"While he was being arrested he struggled with several officers, spitting at them and shouting racist abuse," said Mr Tindall.

He said Brown had 55 convictions for 105 offences, 25 of them being against the person.

Salina Akhtar, for Brown, said all the charges arose out of one incident.

"It's important to say he has not been before the court for some time, despite his lengthy record," said Mrs Akhtar.

"This is a man who has some mental health issues and problems with alcohol which he is trying to address."

Brown will be sentenced by magistrates at a later date for the offences.