A mother-of-two is trekking 100km across the Sahara Desert in just five days to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity.

Kelly McHugh, 39, works for Lancashire Fire and Rescue in their prevention team and has been inspired working alongside her colleagues during the pandemic.

Kelly, from Cherry Tree, will be accompanied by her friend Aimee Hindley, who works as a call handler for the fire service, to take on the mammoth challenge.

Lancashire Telegraph: Kelly McHugh and her friend Aimee Hindley who will be taking on the challenge with her Kelly McHugh and her friend Aimee Hindley who will be taking on the challenge with her

Kelly said: “I feel quite calm actually – unbelievably so in fact.

“I am looking forward to it. I have spoken to a firefighter from Northern Ireland who did this in 2019 and he has given me a lot of information and advice.

“I feel like I am prepared and ready.”

She will be flying to Morocco from Heathrow on Friday before starting the challenge on Saturday morning.

The first day will see Kelly trek 9km before taking on the hardest challenge on day two when she will complete 30km of the challenge.

On days three and four she will walk 23km before completing the last 16km on day five.

To prepare for the challenge, Kelly has been taking on lengthy walks whenever she can, however, her biggest concern is facing the heat of the desert.

She added: “I have been walking a lot of miles – the distance won’t be the problem.

“The only thing I have not been able to do is practice in the heat and I think that will be the biggest thing.

“I have been walking marathons or anywhere over 10 miles probably four times a week. I have done a bit of training on sand dunes but not a lot.

“I am doing what I can, getting out between work and being a single mother to two kids.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Kelly vaccinating a woman at Blackburn Cathedral as part of the fire service collaboration with the Lancashire vaccination driveKelly vaccinating a woman at Blackburn Cathedral as part of the fire service collaboration with the Lancashire vaccination drive

Kelly has raised £3,100 in aid of the charity and is hoping to raise more during and after the challenge.

During the pandemic, Kelly joined the vaccination drive, jabbing hundreds of people at Blackburn Cathedral.

She has been provided with a banner by the EG Group who are avid supporters and fundraisers for the charity.

You can support Kelly by donating to her JustGiving page here.