A new study has revealed the most dangerous places to drive in the UK – and several Lancashire areas made the list.

According to research by Quotezone.co.uk, Lancashire is home to some of the worst drivers in the nation with almost every district featuring in their top 10 list.

Experts analysed road and car accidents statistics from across the country and created a ‘safe driver index score’ out of 100 to rank each region according to how careful their drivers are.

In 2020 there were 1,840 reported traffic collisions across Lancashire.

According to the data, Blackburn with Darwen received the lowest safe driver score of all regions in the UK with 16.78/100.

The district has 253 road casualties per million people, the 17th highest of all. Each road accident in the region results in 0.80 casualties on average.

Lancashire Telegraph: The worst regions in the UK for car accidents. (Photo: Quotezone.co.uk)The worst regions in the UK for car accidents. (Photo: Quotezone.co.uk)

In third place is Chorley and West Lancashire with a slightly higher safe driver score at 24.43/100. The region may have fewer road casualties and vehicle accidents, but its average number of casualties per accident, 0.82, is the eighth highest of all places analysed.

The area sees an average of 205 road casualties per million and 385 accidents per 10,000 vehicles. 

East Lancashire as a whole came in fourth place with a safe drive score of 26.23 and an average of 203 road accidents per million people.

Lancaster and Wyre weren’t far behind in sixth place and a safe drive score of 28.33.

Mid Lancashire was seventh with a safe driver score of 28.63.

Here is an interactive map of the most dangerous places to drive in the UK – how does your home town fare?

Quotezone’s safer driving tips: how to stay safe on the road 

  • Remember that a speed limit is not a target. Make sure you adjust your speed accordingly for compromising road conditions such as rain, fog and traffic conditions. 
  • Avoid using your mobile phone whilst driving. Technology can be a fatal distraction for drivers, so ensure you put your phone away before you start driving. 
  • Check your vehicle before you set off. As a driver, you are responsible for ensuring that your vehicle is roadworthy. From checking that your windscreen and windows are clean to ensuring all lights work, you should check that your car is in fully working order before making a journey. 
  • Look twice before you turn right. Cyclists and motorcyclists are at risk of serious injuries due to drivers turning right without checking first. Remember to check your wing mirror, indicate and check your blindspot for potential road users before you initiate your manoeuvre. 
  • Are you fit to drive today? From tiredness and a lack of attentiveness to drowsiness caused by certain medications, always make sure that you are fit to drive before getting behind the wheel.

View the full study at Quotezone.co.uk.