ARMED police shot dead a dog after it dragged a man down a street by his hand.

Officers said they had no choice but to take the action in Cherry Street, off Audley Range, Blackburn, shortly after 11pm last night for the public's safety.

Emergency services were called after reports that the dog - which police said appeared to be a large white and tan pit bull-type breed - had clamped its jaws around 46-year-old Brian Cooper's hand and was dragging him around the street.

Mr Cooper was looking after the dog for friends and was taking it for an evening walk when he was attacked.

A man who saw the horror incident unfold has told how the dog dragged the man "10 metres down the road" before licking his wounds, then turning wild again.

Officers said that when they arrived the man was being treated by paradmedics, but the dog was still roaming the street and "showing aggressive behaviour".

Police managed to "corner" to dog into a garden, but it continued to be aggressive and officers could not get it under control.

Inspector Simon Atkinson, the force incident manager, said: "We gave every consideration to dealing with the dog as humanely as possible but the situation was so serious we had to take immediate action.

"I authorised the use of police firearms to destroy the animal which was shot several times on a nearby grass verge."

Police said a number of shots were discharged because several attempts missed due to the dog moving around.

The eye witness, who did not want to be named, said: "I heard a lot of noise and when I looked out of the window, I saw the man being dragged about 10 metres down the road with his hand in the dog's mouth.

"Eventually he fell to the floor and he was hitting the dog to try and get him off. I saw the dog bite both hands.

"When he got free, the dog went back to him and was licking his bleeding wounds. It wasn't being aggressive.

"But when the police got there the man had taken his coat off and the dog was trying to rag that as well.

"It was a big, aggressive dog. It needed to be put down for what it did."

Injured Mr Cooper, of St Margaret's Way, close to Cherry Street, was initially taken to the Royal Blackburn Hospital and later transferred to the Royal Preston Hospital for more specialist treatment.

Police said he had undergone surgery for "very severe" injuries to his hand.

Officers had last night not been able to speak to him because of his injuries.

As a result, they have not been able to find out who the dog's owners were.

Police said they would also be seeking to confirm the exact breed of dog with help from the RSPCA to see if any criminal offences had been committed.

Detective Inspector Peter Simm said they had been in the area reassuring residents who heard the shotgun being discharged.

He said: "We have implemented reassurance patrols and our community beat manager and police community support officers have been up in the area informing residents as to what has gone on."

Residents in nearby St Margaret's Way described how they heard a commotio.

One woman said: "I heard a man's voice shouting 'get off me' and a little later, a dog barking.

"I heard some popping noises but I thought they were fireworks because I've never heard a gun being fired.

"I did think it was strange though, because the dog's bark seemed to change to a howl and a wimper."

Another resident said: "There was a bloke screaming and moaning.

"I looked out of my bedroom window but didn't see anything.

"It's absolutely terrible. I hope the man recovers quickly."