A FORMER Ramsbottom teacher has been found guilty of abusing two schoolchildren in the 1970s and 1980s.

Following a week-long trial at the University of Bolton Stadium, 72-year old Anthony McNally, who taught at Woodhey High, and Derby Grammar School, Bury, was convicted of indecently assaulting a girl when she was aged 13 or 14 and a boy, aged 15 or 16.

McNally, of Rhine Close, Tottington, was cleared of abusing another 12-year-old boy.

Recorder Abigail Hudson told him that he will be sentenced on April 29.

Jurors heard how the older boy was the first to complain to police in 2019.

He had been abused by McNally when he went to his Rhine Close home for extra English tuition.

He was plied with alcohol and then invited to spend the night at the house.

The boy told police he agreed because it made him feel “cool” and “one of the lads”.

He went to bed alone, but was later woken by McNally lying next to him.

“He was shocked and scared at the time. He froze and did not know what was happening,” said prosecutor Geoff Whelan.

McNally abused the boy before the teen pulled away from him and the boy did not complain about the incident at the time due to shock and embarrassment.

During the police inquiry officers interviewed other ex-pupils, including one girl who had been at Derby Grammar, now Derby High, where McNally taught English.

The court heard when she was aged 14 McNally offered to drive her home after a school disco. But instead of taking her straight home he stopped the car and unzipped his trousers after indecently assaulting her.

Afterwards the girl got out of the car and, several years later, reported the incident to Crimestoppers. There was an investigation but no charges were brought at that time.

He was cleared of abusing another Derby High pupil on a trip to the Lake District.

When questioned by police, McNally claimed he could only vaguely remember one of the complainants and he denied all the allegations against him.

The court heard how McNally took early retirement after an allegation that he had touched a pupil’s leg in 1995.

Woodhey High governors cleared him but a legal battle ensued between them and Bury Council over whether he could return to work.

The case went to the Court of Appeal but he took early retirement in 2003, eight years after he had last been in a classroom.