A THIEF lost without his "sidekick" cousin could end up behind bars again after going on a mini crime spree.

Burnley magistrates heard how Matthew Dwyer, 24, had previously shared a jail cell with his cousin Michael.

Michael had emerged from custody drug-free whilst Matthew had gone back to his old ways.

Matthew Dwyer's solicitor told the court how custody would have no effect on the defendant without Michael.

Matthew Dwyer, of Larch Street, Nelson, admitted two counts of shoplifting and asked for six offences to be considered. He was bailed until February 11, for an all options open pre-sentence report.

The bench, who said he had offended while on a community order which included a curfew, told him to live at his home address and banned him from all self-service stores.

Lee Hammond, defending, said Dwyer, who had a heroin addiction, had committed offences to fund his habit.

He had been in prison with his "sidekick" cousin but Matthew had had a slip.When he came out of custody, he moved away from the local area, his prescription for methadone fell by the wayside and he had gone back on heroin.