A prolific sex pest who has previously been jailed for grabbing a paramedic’s breasts has been sent to prison again after trying to put moisturiser on a woman and kissing her face.

Yusuf Makda, 43, was sentenced at Preston’s Sessions House on Wednesday after pleading guilty to sexual assault.

The incident took place at around 6.30pm on July 15 last year in Darwen.

The court heard a young woman had been drinking with friends and was waiting in her car for her boyfriend to come and collect her as she felt she had had too much alcohol to drive.

As she sat waiting, Makda appeared at the side of the car and tapped on the window. The victim, who was on the phone to her auntie, signalled that she would speak with him after her call as she presumed he was wanting her to move her car.

Prosecuting, Rachel Woods said: “A few minutes later the defendant re-appeared at the side of her car and opened the door.

“He had a bottle of Nivea moisturiser in his hand and he started to kiss the victim on both cheeks and then tried to kiss her on the lips.

“She was taken aback at first and as he leant into the car she told him to stop.

“The defendant wasn’t able to speak much English but asked her to go back to his house with him and started tugging on her arm.

“She told him she was waiting for her boyfriend to arrive but this didn’t deter him.”

He continued trying to kiss her, grabbing her face and then motioned towards the bottle of moisturiser as if gesturing that he wanted to apply it to her.

The court was told how the victim repeatedly told Makda ‘no’ but he tried then to apply the cream to her body, attempting to rub it onto her arms and legs and then her chest.

He continued to try to kiss her and at one stage the woman tried to attract the attention of a passer-by but was unsuccessful.

Ms Woods said: “A loud engine could then be heard coming along the road, which the victim thought was her boyfriend, and it was at this point that the defendant stopped before telling her to come to his house and then disappeared.”

The victim made a frantic call to her boyfriend and another friend, and when her boyfriend arrived she sat crying and cowering in the passenger footwell.

The police were called and the defendant was arrested the following day at an address not far from where the victim had parked her car.

He was interviewed and admitted the offence but denied it was sexually motivated.

Makda, formerly of Higher Eanam, Blackburn, has four convictions related to 11 offences most of which were sexual in nature and included an offence committed in 2019 for which he was sentenced to 30 weeks in prison after trying to grab the breasts of a paramedic.

He also had similar offences dating back to 2015 and 2012, and an offence involving sexual activity with a child.

Recorder John Richard Jones QC said: “This was quite clearly an unwarranted and unwanted approach which was the subject of some persistence and the victim made it perfectly plain that she wanted nothing to do with you and despite that you persisted, and I find that this was a sustained attempt.”

Makda, who appeared in court via video link from HMP Preston, was sentenced to another 14 months in prison and made subject to notification requirements for 10 years.