Management plans linked to rebuilding Colne market hall and bus station using part of a £6.5million government Levelling-Up grant have been supported.

Conservative councillors welcomed Levelling-Up funding to spend on the Market Hall project along with improvements to three Colne theatre buildings – The Muni, Pendle Hippodrome and Colne Little Theatre.

But a Lib-Dem councillor has queried why Colne Town Council and some board members of a council-linked regeneration organisation, PEARL Together,  have apparently not been invited to early talks about the Market Hall and Bus Station.

PEARL Together is a joint venture between Pendle Council and Barnfield Investment Properties. It is earmarked for work on the Market Hall project. Its previous work includes the regeneration of the former Brierfield Mill into the new Northlight development along with new housing estates in the borough.

The Levelling-Up projects were discussed at the latest meeting of the borough council’s Policy & Resources committee, which is a senior committee. The borough’s new chief executive, Rose Rouse, was also at the committee meeting along with other council officers.

Councillors were asked to agree that PEARL Together be selected as the developer for the Market Hall site, subject to the signing a development agreement.

They were also asked to agree that PEARL Together should act as agent for the council in seeking planning permission and doing any demolition or site preparation work needed, and a further report would confirm the boundary of the site to be sold to PEARL Together, to then be rebuilt.

Many government funding schemes come with relatively short deadlines. The Levelling-Up funding for Colne was announced late last year.

Conservative Coun Nadeem Ahmed, leader of Pendle Council, introduced the topic and said: “It’s important that we move forward as soon as possible. Time is tight although we now have an extra year until March 2025.”

Conservative Coun Sarah Cockburn-Price said: “This is very exciting and hugely welcome. We have had a meeting with councillors and architects. There will be consultations. This involved a short time frame but we are all very enthusiastic about it.”

Conservative Coun David Cockburn Price agreed and added: “There’s a bit of a buzz about the town, and hopes and aspirations for the heritage venues too. This is about getting approval in principle and the details will be confirmed.”

However Lib-Dem Coun David Whipp has some concerns about Colne public spaces in the plans and also consultation with councillors linked to PEARL Together and Colne Town Council.

Coun Sarah Cockburn-Price replied: “There are plans for consultations. It’s early days."