BUILDING dormer roof extensions on traditional Victorian terraced houses was described as criminal during an impassioned council debate about the character of east Lancashire towns.

A planning application for permission to build dormers on the front and back roof slopes of a terraced house in Nelson, which went against planning officer advice, sparked a lively debate about the architectural value of traditional Lancashire terraces, especially the visual appeal of parallel streets with original roof-lines, but also other housing issues.

In this case, one councillor said the proposed roof extensions for the Nelson house would look like a ‘mad hat’ placed on top of it.

Councillors on Pendle Council’s Policy & Resources Committee, a senior committee which has the final say on many issues and decisions, considered the Nelson application at their meeting last week.

The planning application had come from a junior committee, the Nelson, Brierfield & Reedley Committee. It had wanted to approve it but did not have the authority to contravene local policies which are designed to restrict dormer windows but do allow skylight windows in-line with roof slopes.

Applicant Mohammad Asghar had submitted the dormer application for a house on Hargreaves Street in Nelson. Planning officers had recommended councillors to refuse it.

In a report, officers said the dormer extensions would lead to a ‘considerable reduction’ in the design quality of the area, harming the character and appearance of the Whitefield conservation area, and the significance of conservation areas generally. The potential impact would not be outweighed by the public benefits of the dormer.

The report added: “Part of the significance of the conservation area derives from the distinctive and consistent blue slate roof slopes of the terraces. Dormer windows are not a characteristic feature of this terraced block or the conservation area.”

Conservative Coun Sarah Cockburn-Price said: “I value conservation areas very highly. Terraced streets can be very beautiful, going up and down the hills. The uniformity, symmetry and repetition is wonderful. It’s a joy.

“Conservation areas began in the 1960s because the fabric of this country was being eroded.  As the Channel 4 Grand Designs TV programme might say, some people are tempted to add ‘statement features’ to their houses. But these people are criminals in my opinion. It’s appalling what is happening  to our towns up and down the country.”

She said she was a great fan of a writer and TV broadcaster called Alec Clifton-Taylor, who highlighted the buildings, architecture and character of ‘ordinary’ towns.

She said: "Nelson is one of those types of towns. Its architecture and conservation areas are things to be valued. Saying it would be OK for this person to put a dormer or PVC window up there on the roof will lead to a rash of other dormers. Before we know it, the whole conservation area will be so spoilt that there will then be an application to end the conservation area status.

“We should recognise the beauty of town and protect them. I beg you to refuse this application.”

Committee chairman Conservative Coun Nadeem Ahmed, who is also leader of the council, said he had seen various dormer applications in the past when he was a member of the Nelson area committee. He understood the Nelson committee allowed dormers including on front roofs. He also said some terraced areas had benefited from previous government housing market renewal grants while other areas had not.

Labour Coun Zafir Ali challenged Coun Cockburn-Price’s use of the word ‘criminal’ and said there should be a consistent approach to terraced buildings. In the Carr Road conservation area, a building had been given individual features such as a balcony and stonework, he said.

But he added: “Regarding this application for the Hargreaves Street home, I understand it. I don’t see how a architecturally-fitted dormer would effect this area. I support its approval.”

Labour Coun Mohammed Iqbal said: “It’s OK for Coun Cockburn-Price to refer to people as criminal when she doesn’t live in an overcrowded house. I’m sure she doesn’t live in a terraced house. I’m sure she has a large house and garden. What is criminal is that we, as a society, have people living in overcrowded conditions.  And people are forced to enlarge their homes because houses elsewhere are too expensive, thanks to Conservative policies.  The Nelson area committee looks at wider issues outside planning issues.

“The Housing Market Renewal scheme was stopped by Coun Cockburn-Price’s Conservative friends in the past. Perhaps conservation areas need looking at? The Lomeshaw Road area is awash with dormers because it benefited from Housing Market Renewal funds.

“I’m guessing Coun Cockburn-Price would accept a back roof dormer? So what would be wrong with a front roof dormer?”

Coun Nadeem said: “Coun Cockburn-Price is not saying the applicant is a criminal. She is talking about the general impact of dormers – a description. ”

But Lib-Dem David Whipp said: “Councillors are supposed to treat the public with respect and her description is appalling. She should apologise. If not, it should be reported to the monitoring officer. It’s an incendiary thing to say and should not be banded-about so lightly.”

However he added: “We need to balance the needs of people with policies to protect conservation areas. There is a tension between them. I have always voted to stick to planning policies. It’s not right to undermine policies because they impact on the whole borough. There are argument for and against this. But it would drive a coach-and-horses through planning policies. I hope a more appropriate proposal can be found instead.”

Coun Cockburn-Price replied to the criticism of her language saying: “Up and down the country, criminal acts are being done by people who do not comply with planning regulations. We write to planning officers and see them all the time. These people are criminals and are spoiling the country.

“This particular applicant [in Nelson] has submitted this plan to the council, which is the correct thing to do and is not criminal. However, passing it for approval would be criminal and appalling. It is clearly against planning guidelines and good practice. Conservation areas cover all the buildings in each area. There are no parts which are less important than others. Back roofs are as important as front roofs. Personal circumstances cannot be brought into planning decisions.

“Victorian terraced houses tend to have tall and slender windows. Original dormers have the same shaped windows. However, too many modern dormers are added with wide windows. It is not good design. It’s like wearing a mad hat.”

Despite the recommendation from planning officers to refuse the Hargreaves Street dormer application, the majority of councillors on Policy & Resources Committee voted to approve it.