A RETIRED RAF squadron leader is embarking on a 3,000 solo row across the Atlantic this morning with hopes of breaking a world record.

Emma Wolstenholme, from Burnley, has arrived in Tenerife ready to set off on her 3,000 nautical mile row from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean which has seen her raise her target of £80,000 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Air Cadets.

The 39-year-old is hoping to set off at 10am this morning (January 25), however this is dependant on the weather so Emma said she could change her decision at the last minute.

After having spent months preparing, Emma said she feels prepared and confident, however her family and partner are not sharing the same emotions.

She said: "I feel ready and I think I have done everything I can to prepare for this.

"My family however are nervous and I didn't realise how much it would affect them.

"I know what I am doing and have the skills to do this having been in the RAF and I was always a good swimmer.

"My parents just see that I am crossing the ocean in a rowing boat. I understand why they are worried but I didn't realise how much of a affect it would have on them."

Former 352 Burnley cadet is hoping to record for the fastest solo female in a pure class rowing boat - with the current record set by Anne Quéméré of 56 days, 10 hours and 9 minutes.

Emma, who served in Afghanistan and Qatar during her 16 years in the RAF, was a member of the RAF bobsled team before taking on skeleton sledding.

She was inspired to start rowing when she saw a friend on social media taking on the challenge themselves.

Emma will be setting off from Marina del Sur Las Galletas in Tenerife in her 20 ft rowing boat and will dock at the end of her journey to Port St Charles in Barbados.

Emma arrived in Tenerife last week and has managed to complete a test run out of the marina to ensure all of her equipment is working.

She has equipped her boat with a tracking device while her partner is updating her social media pages so that those supporting Emma are able to follow her journey.