BLUEPRINTS for a huge revamp at Padiham Leisure Centre look to become a reality after Burnley council's executive backed far-reaching proposals.

Councillors have app-roved a £1.25million bus-iness case for the venture, of which the local authority must find £600,000 in the budget and make use of a Sport England £250,000 grant.

The centre's refurbish-ment include remodel-ling the changing area, expanding the fitness suite, creating a new health suite incorporat-ing a spa pool, sauna and steam room, and provision of a multi-purpose room and children's fitness gym.

Previously the council invested millions in est-ablishing the St Peter's centre in Church Street, Burnley, and the proposed works are part of the same leisure programme for the borough.

Coun Roger Frost, Burnley council's leisure executive member, said: "There are competing demands on the council's capital resources and therefore the final decision will be made when the council approves its Capital programme in February."

Council leader Gordon Birtwistle said: "This is potentially another major investment in Padiham on top of the Sustrans Connect 2 project.

"This will hopefully be followed by the develop-ment of the Remade Linear Park Project and the development of Memorial Park, if the council's bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery fund is successful."