A man has avoided a jail sentence after brandishing a knife in public.

Brandon Gaskell was handed a suspended sentence at Preston Magistrates Court on December 7, following the incident, which took place on January 4 2021.

The court heard how Gaskell, 20, of New Rough Hey in Preston had been seen in Dovedale Avenue in Ingol with a knife on January 4.

He also caused damage to a window to the value of £60, belonging to Brian and Carron Emmett.

He previously pleaded not guilty to the offence of possessing a knife blade/sharp pointed article in a public place but later changed his plea to guilty. 

Gaskell pleaded guilty to criminal damage to property valued under £5,000.

He was committed to prison for three months suspended for 12 months and was ordered to comply with supervision requirements including 20 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. 

He was also told to pay a victim surcharge of £128 and compensation of £60 by January 31. 

Lancashire Telegraph: