AN EAST Lancs charity is calling for a ban on internet sites that promote suicide.

A recent survey commissioned by the charity found that 81 per cent of people wanted UK law to be amended to ensure that it is illegal to groom young people for suicide through online websites.

PAPYRUS, the national charity dedicated to prevention of young suicide, based in Ormerod Road, Burnley, is now challenging the government to respond to what it believes is clear public demand for a change in the law.

Paul Kelly, PAPYRUS trustee leading the charity's campaign, said: "We have already delivered two petitions - one presented at 10 Downing Street, the other online - seeking a review of the Suicide Act (1961) "With the support of this nationally representative sample, we are once again challenging the government to change the law to protect young people.

"Changing this law could make a significant difference."