A SUPER fundraiser got into the spirit of things at the end of a gruelling 67-day charity challenge when he slept alone in one of the country’s most haunted buildings.

Steve Neary's charity goals turned to charity ghouls as he spent a chilling night on the eve of his 67th birthday in a shepherd’s hut at Samlesbury Hall, near where the ghost of the legendary White Lady – Dorothy Southworth – who died in the early 16th century, has been seen many times.

For retired civil servant Steve, of Straits Lane, Read, it was the final event in 67 consecutive days of charity challenges in his bid to raise at least £6,767 for Pendleside Hospice.

Since mid October the dad-of-three has carried out lung-bursting tests on a daily basis.

He has worked for environment groups, a national horse and pony rescue charity, has fed the needy and homeless, carried out work at his local church and helped with maintenance jobs at a non-league soccer club.

His volunteering has included litter picking, cutting back overgrown hedgerows on footpaths, power washing stable blocks, helping create a micro tree nursery, recycling pallets into planters, tidying up a churchyard, and providing and serving soup and bread rolls to the needy cared for by the Church On The Street ministry.

He has also cycled, run and walked hundreds of miles and completed strenuous sessions rowing and cycling in the gym to raise sponsorship.

Steve said: “When I started the 67 days in October 1 never expected to actually achieve it. I thought I would injure myself along the way. But while I have ached from head to toe I’ve not been able to think about giving up because the support I have had from people has been so amazing it has just kept me going.”

Apart from Pendleside Hospice he has also been supporting the Horse and Pony Protection Association (HAPPA), Pendle Hill Landscapes Partnership, Burnley FC Football In The Community food kitchen, the Ribble Rivers Trust and Read Environmental Group. He has also helped out at non-league Padiham FC who he played for in the 1970s.

Keen Burnley FC fan Steve is also holding a mammoth raffle with – yes, you have guessed it 67 prizes – which will be drawn at Pendleside Hospice on Tuesday, December 21.

He said: “I have done a diverse variety of challenges because I wanted to attract as wide an audience as possible to raise as much as possible for Pendleside Hospice.

“All of my challenges have involved the numbers 67, 6 or 7 such as cycling 67 miles, climbing Pendle Hill steps 6 times, and providing 67 items of food for the homeless food kitchen.

“I won’t know the total I have raised until the money comes in from different sponsorships and the amount raised by the raffle.

“I’ve dedicated my challenge to the memory of friends who have passed away – David ‘Tids’ Turner, David Kelly, Michael Finnigan, Ian Harper, Mark Byrom, Derek Roberts and my aunties Marion and Eveline who were cared for by Pendleside.”

Steve has been supported by his three children Jordan, 35, India, 32, and Ellis, 30, who have helped find sponsors.

To make a donation go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Steve-Neary67