A Blackburn business has won another award, cementing a year of success for the female-led team.

Community and Business Partners prevailed at Lancashire Business View’s Red Rose Awards last month, winning the Corporate Social Responsibility award.

The win follows the organisation taking home the Top Team award just a month ago at the North West Employer Engagement Group awards evening.

As a result of their last win, CEO Amanda Meachin was invited to join the Leader’s Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is chaired by Lord Blunkett, and she recently featured on their leadership podcast.

Mrs Meachin, said: “We’re really proud to have been recognised regionally, and nationally, on three occasions in the last month.

"Winning the Corporate Social Responsibility Award means the world to us.

"For us, CSR isn’t something that we do as an add on, but is at the heart of every single project we engage in and I am so pleased that this has been recognised, for our incredible team members.

"I am incredibly proud of the team. Throughout the pandemic they have worked tirelessly to support businesses to be resilient.

"We have been appointed by the Home Office as at UK’s only not-for-profit endorsing body for oversees entrepreneurs wanting to set up in the UK and we were recently awarded ISO9001, for the tenth year running, which is the international standard for a quality management system.

“We’ve also recently been engaged by the charity Rugby Cares, who help rugby players towards the end of their careers to equip them for life after their playing career.

"All of these things are testament to the incredible team of staff, business mentors and community volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible."

The Red Rose Awards are held in Blackpool every year, and play out in front of an audience of more than 1,000 business professionals.

This 2021 event saw the awards celebrated for the eleventh time, when businesses from the length and breadth of the county vied for titles across a range of categories.

Event founder Richard Slater, also the publisher of Lancashire Business View magazine, said: “The Red Rose Awards, now in its eleventh year, are very hotly contested, so Community and Business Partners should be very proud that they have seen off all the competition to win this award."

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