THE conduct of a former Lancashire police station sergeant was ‘appalling’ when he booked in a detainee who later died, a disciplinary hearing has been told.

Former custody sergeant Jason Marsden was more interested in leaving his shift early than properly assessing the needs of the vulnerable women, it is alleged.

Mr Marsden, who is no longer a police officer, faces a number of alleged breaches in dealing with Kelly Hartigan-Burns, 35 and from Darwen.  She was arrested and put in a cell late on December 3, 2016 but later found unresponsive and subsequently pronounced dead at a hospital.

Ms Hartigan-Burns had tried to take her own life earlier that evening of December 3 but was arrested by police over a separate issue,  an alleged assault of her partner that same evening, the hearing was told.

However Ms Hartigan-Burns also had mental health problems and was on medication from a psychiatrist when arrested.

Key points of argument in the case include whether Mr Marsden, as an experienced custody sergeant at the time, was aware of or made aware by other officers that Ms Hartigan-Burns had tried to take her own life; whether he was aware of and then properly recorded her medication on police custody information systems and whether Ms Hartigan-Burns should have been placed at a higher level of risk with more observation at Greenbank police station in Blackburn.

Another key point is whether Mr Marsden honestly believed that Ms Hartigan-Burns was incapable of being given or understanding her legal rights soon after her arrival, because he believed she was drunk, aggressive and potentially violent.

A failure to build a rapport with the detainee aggravated the situation and led to a total failure in communication between Mr Marsden and Ms Hartigan-Burns, the hearing was told. Other allegations include  that Mr Marsden did not explain the arrested detainee’s rights, and did not call a healthcare professional for expert advice on her medical state, nor properly highlight her suicide warning in a handover.

Overall, it is alleged that the combination of Mr Marsden’s actions and behaviour should lead to a disciplinary finding of gross misconduct. The hearing has been ongoing  at Leyland Police Station over the past two weeks.

Mr Marsden denies the disciplinary charges.  A lawyer representing him, Sarah Barlow, said he did complete the majority of custody tasks when assessing Ms Hartigan-Burns. If any breach had happened, it did not justify a misconduct or gross misconduct finding, she told the panel.

Barrister Charles Apthorp presented the allegations against Mr Marsden and made his closing statements at Wednesday’s session.

He said: “Police officers are supposed to show tolerance, respect and courtesy to detainees. This was breached in respect of Kelly. She was not treated to the appropriate respect that people in custody are entitled to. We do not accept that her behaviour justified the withdrawal of her right.

“Officers are supposed to be diligent, and I stress that. In custody, they are supposed to ask questions in an open way to encourage and elicit information. There was no proper attempt to do this. The officer read quick-fire questions as rote. It was a tick-box exercise. The detainees was moved from the desk to the cell as quickly as possible. He was more interested in finishing his shift and leaving rather than carrying out his obligations to Kelly.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Kelly Hartigan-Burns

Mr Apthorp referred to a report from an inspector from southern England into the disciplinary case. He added: “This is a balanced review showing both flaws and proper conduct. However, it says the booking-in process was appalling. That is a biting comment by an officer of this experience. It sums this up in a nutshell. This represents a serious breach justified by dismissal and therefore is gross misconduct.”

However, lawyer Sarah Barlow, representing Mr Marsden, said he had completed most custody requirements and had faced a difficult situation that night. At the police station, Ms Hartigan-Burns had been shouting and struggling, had been arrested for assault and was intoxicated. 

Mr Marsden honestly believed there was the potential for violence from her. She was quickly questioned and put in a cell, which was quite common when police thought violence was possible, the lawyer said.

Overall, she said Mr Marsden had recorded most required information including the detainee’s medicine. Information was recorded on a computer system and a police station whiteboard. Officers were not required to record information on one single channel. Overall, a custody record was a collection of information recorded electronically and written on a whiteboard.

She said other officers on arrival at the station had not made Mr Marsden aware of Ms Hartigan-Burns’ mental health issues or attempt to take her life that night. However, as information came to light he referred her for a visit the next morning by another team.

Furthermore, the computer system was difficult to operate for some officers and encouraged a linear mode of questionings rather than open conversation. She accepted Mr Marsden may have been abrupt but it was not a serious breach.

She said another police expert witness, Lancashire force custody trainer Sgt Gary Wynne, had said he would have made some similar decisions to Mr Marsden.

She added: “Hindsight is a wonderful thing. But Mr Marsden had to make a series of judgements on the night. If he honestly believed the detainee in front of him was incapable of understanding her rights on arrival, was obstructive and had the potential for assault or violent escalation then he acted in a reasonable way at that time.”

She said the case did not represent gross misconduct. He had considered her care and had referred her for a visit by another team the next morning.

The panel is expected to announce its findings on Monday, October 11.