A MOTORIST stopped by police in the early hours of the morning was nearly three times the drink drive limit.

Blackburn magistrates heard Peter Bowler was also two years into a three year ban imposed for another drink driving conviction.

Bowler, 40, of Wellington Road North, Stockport, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and with excess alcohol. He was remanded on bail until November 9 for the preparation of a pre-sentence report. He was made subject to an interim disqualification.

Drew Barrow, prosecuting, said police saw Bowler behind the wheel of a BMW on Olive Lane, Darwen, at 4 am. They followed him onto Perry Street where he parked the car and got out.

The officers described him as unsteady on his feet and when asked he admitted he had been drinking.

Richard Prew, defending, said the magistrates would clearly require a pre-sentence report.

“His last offence was an excess alcohol and he was banned for three years,” said Mr Prew.