A MAN assaulted his girlfriend three times in the space of six days as they were attending Blackburn College.

Blackburn magistrates heard the victim had not returned to college following the incidents in March.

Tofik Nazir, 20, of Whalley New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to three charges of assault. He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with 30 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He was fined £50 and ordered to pay £100 compensation, £85 costs and £95 victim surcharge.

Drew Barrow, prosecuting, said the first incident happened outside King George’s Hall at 10.30am. Nazir approached the victim and asked her to meet him later. When she said no he demanded that she did and slapped her twice to the face.

Two days later he approached her in the canteen at college and began a conversation about them running away together. She refused and as they left he slapped around the side of the head.

“She tried to get away but he grabbed her by the arm and again hit her to the side of the face,” said Mr Barrow.

Four days later they met near the college music centre and there was a dispute over her not answering a phone he had given her.

“She tried to give him the back and he punched her to the side of her head and slapped her twice,” said Mr Barrow. “She told police the incidents had left her fearful and reluctant to return to college in case he assaulted her further.”

Richard Prew, defending, said his client was accompanied in court by his college tutor who took a keen interest in him.

“He has learning difficulties and, without being rude, is emotionally stunted,” said Mr Prew. “The pre-sentence report has identified a number of areas where he can be helped.