Twenty seven stop and searches were carried out and £1,300 in cash seized after a section 60 order was put in place in Lancashire.

The order, which grants extra powers to police to stop and search people without reason, was authorised in Fleetwood on Monday and Tuesday.

As a result of that, police carried out 27 stop checks and seized £1,300 in cash from an individual, which is suspected of being the proceeds of crime.

A spokesperson for the police said: "You may continue to see a marked increase in police activity in the town in the coming weeks.

"This follows several incidents of anti-social behaviour and disorder involving weapons – behaviour which we will not tolerate, nor accept.

"We want residents to feel reassured and not duly concerned by the increased police presence.

"We believe the incidents are targeted and there is not thought to be a threat to the wider public.

"If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our officers."

This is not the first time a section 60 order has been authorised in the town in recent weeks, as a similar order was authorised last weekend, and then extended until Wednesday September 29.

Last Tuesday, Ch Supt Karen Edwards, West Divisional Commander, said: "In recent days you will have seen a marked increase in police activity in Fleetwood.

“This follows several incidents of anti-social behaviour and disorder involving weapons in the town, behaviour which we will not tolerate, nor accept.

“We have enforced two Section 60 orders, allowing police to stop and search people and vehicles without suspicion. These orders are only in place when we believe violent incidents will take place or weapons will be used.

“As part of our activity, we have conducted 14 body searches, stopped and searched 17 vehicles, made several arrests, carried out house searches and stop-checked several targets.

“I want to be clear to those individuals wanting to commit violence and disorder – we will not tolerate such criminality. If you commit a crime, we will find you, arrest you and you will be dealt with accordingly.

“This is just the start of our police activity. You should expect to see a number of officers in Fleetwood in the coming days and weeks, with increased resources and patrols.

“I want residents to feel reassured and not unduly concerned by this presence. However, if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to speak to one of our officers.

“I recognise the vast majority of people in Fleetwood are good, law-abiding citizens, but we will not accept the actions of a small, mindless group of individuals looking to commit serious crime.”

If you want to report a crime to police, please call 101.

In an emergency, always call 999.

Lancashire Telegraph: