The driver of a Fiesta tried to reverse ram a police car while high on drink and drugs.

Police pursued the vehicle after it failed to stop for them on the M6 on Monday evening, and after misjudging a bend, the Fiesta came to rest on its side before the driver ran from the scene. 

The driver was then followed and chased through Lancaster by one of the police force dogs, before being caught and arrested by a sergeant from the Morecambe task force.

They were tested for drugs and alcohol with the readings coming back positive for cocaine, cannabis and booze.

A spokesperson for the police said: "This Fiesta driver failed to stop on the M6 and then  in Lancaster centre with their last effort trying to immobilise the BMW with a reverse ram.

"Making-off again they misjudged a bend coming to rest on its side.

"The driver fled, closely followed by HZ33 tracking with PD Ebony.

Lancashire Telegraph:

"Driver detained a couple of miles away by our Morecambe sergeant after a great response by T3 Lancaster/Morecambe colleagues helping.

"Positive for alcohol, cannabis and cocaine.

"The driver faces two charges of dangerous driving and two charges of failing to stop and impaired driving.

"Thankfully only minor damage to the BMW.

"Great tracking by PD Ebony located the discarded vehicle keys in a field in heavy rain."