A VILE paedophile who had been released on licence from a prison sentence for rape was found with more than 14,000 indecent pictures of children.

Del Alan Sumners was living on Jockey Street in Burnley when officers went to his home to check on him in September of 2019.

It soon became apparent to them that there had been a deletion of search terms on internet-enabled devices, and he was arrested.

Analysis of the devices later revealed 22 category A images (the worst kind), 237 at category B, 14,779 at category C and 14 prohibited images.

Prosecuting the case at Burnley Crown Court, Stephen Parker explained that the defendant, 47, has two previous sets of convictions and that in April 2010 he was sentenced for indecent assault, attempted rape and rape.

Sumners admitted to deleting the internet history, which went against the terms of his requirements.

Now of no fixed address, Sumners was convicted of possessing and making indecent images of children.

He was sentenced to 20 months custody.

Lisa Parrington, from the East MOSOVO Team, said: “I welcome the sentence handed down to Summers, who clearly presents a risk to children through his sordid sexual interests.

“He attempted to hide his offending by deleting his browser history. MOSOVO Teams across Lancashire regularly carry out compliance visits to ensure individuals like Summers, who seek to breach court orders put in place to prevent them from re-offending, will be caught out and put back before the courts.”