A DRIVER has been hailed a hero after saving a teenager’s life on board his coach.

Ron Lancaster was driving pupils home from Turton School in Bromley Cross on September 22 when a student suddenly started choking on a sweet.

The boy, who was unable to breathe and starting to turn blue, made his way to the driver at the front of the coach.

Ron, who works for Tyrers Coaches, immediately stopped the bus and gave the youngster back blows until the boiled sweet flew out and landed in the cash tray.

James Robb, HR manager at Tyrers, said: “Last week we recognised the heroic actions of long-serving Tyrers driver Ron by presenting him with a Tyrers Legend Award.

“We also bought him a stash of his favourite biscuits!

“On September 22, we were notified of an occurrence on board Ron’s school bus whereby a passenger had encountered a medical emergency.

“Ron described how the boy had approached the driver’s cab in a state of panic, holding his throat and unable to breathe.

“Ron quickly realised that the boy was choking and sprung into action to administer life-saving first aid.

“Much to the relief of all on board, this quickly dislodged the object blocking the boy’s airway and it shot across the bus cab.

“Thanks to Ron’s quick-thinking, disaster was averted and our passenger returned to school again on Thursday no worse for wear.

“Ron has been working with Tyrers for several years and is well-loved by clients and colleagues alike.

“His friendly and professional can-do approach is the epitome of what Tyrers is all about.

“We’re all very proud to have him on the team!”

The Headteacher of Turton School, Sam Gorse, was “delighted” that Ron was able to step in to help the student.

She said: “I was so happy to hear that Ron was able to intervene when one of our pupils required medical attention.

“What a hero!

“I would like to thank Ron for his incredible actions.”