A MAN flew into a rage when his estranged partner questioned the change in his behaviour and his use of steroids.

Blackburn magistrates heard Robert John Oldham, who was driving at the time, punched his ex on the thigh.

He then punched her on the side of the head five times with such force that on each occasion her head banged against the passenger side window.

Oldham, 33, of Emma Street, Accrington, was convicted after trial of assaulting Kerry Ogden. He was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months. He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with conditions that he completes the Building Better Relationships Programme and 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. He was ordered to pay £500 costs and £128 victim surcharge.

Graham Tindall, prosecuting, said the couple had ended their relationship but agreed to go together to visit a mutual friend who had just had a baby.

"On the way Miss Ogden raised the subject of his behaviour change and his use of steroids and he flew into a rage," sad Mr Tindall.

After being punched Miss Ogden got out of the car but he followed her demanding that she get back in.

When she got home she tried to lock the door but he punched her to the left side of the head.

The court was told that despite being the victim Miss Ogden had provided a reference for Oldham because she did not want him to go to prison.

Peter Cruickshank, defending, said the incident was very much out of character for his client.

"He apologises, through me, to Miss Ogden and to the court," said Mr Cruickshank.