A FAMILY have paid tribute to a loving father who was shot dead while on a visit to Pakistan.

The family of Maqsood Ahmad Qamar, 45, still say they know nothing of what really happened to the ex-Pakistani military soldier, who was shot multiple times on September 3.

His wife Rashida Saeed Qamar and their four children, aged nine, 11, 12 and 15 were distraught at their home as they tried to piece together why anyone would want to hurt Mr Qamar, who moved to Bolton eight years ago after army retirement.

Mrs Qamar said: “It has been seven months since he went and he was due back but the lockdown happened so he couldn’t come back and was stuck, but he didn’t like being in a hotel.

“He felt claustrophobic and hated being alone.”

Mr Qamar retired from the army in 2013 and worked at Stateside Foods in Westhoughton.

The family are also being supported by British Police, who can only assist authorities in Pakistan as the killing is investigated.

The father-of-four was found by family members in the village Nankana Sahib in the province of Punjab, Pakistan, where his brother-in-law tried to resuscitate him to no avail.

Mrs Qamar said: “He was over there to see everyone and he was playing volleyball because he loves it. They made teams and he taught them how to play, so I just don’t understand what happened. Everything was fine.

“There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his kids or for the people who needed his help there.

“He was an amazing husband and a great dad, he was our best friend and always supported us in every way he could.”

While trying to reach Mr Qamar on the night of his death, the family said a village man supposedly led the family in Pakistan to the house, telling them he had heard shots.

The same man was said to have been seen running away from the village when the police arrived and has not yet been found.

Mrs Qamar said: “I just don’t know why this has happened when he did not have any fights and was never the type of person who would fall out with people. Why would someone do this?

Lancashire Telegraph: Maqsood Qamar in Pakistan.

“The police there have not really told me anything but are investigating the suspicious man who ran away.”

The couple spoke almost everyday on video call since Mr Qamar left in February and had even spoken on the day he died at 11am GMT.

Mrs Qamar was due to ring him back at 5pm when she received a call from her sister-in-law informing her of the tragic news.

She said: “The Pakistani police suggested a fight had taken place but I know he does not fight with anyone.

“We are just waiting for justice. I hope that they find the person who took him from us.”

Originally, the two were meant to move to London, but after moving to Bolton from London, Mr Qamar said he did not want to live anywhere else.

Lancashire Telegraph: Maqsood Qamar in Pakistan.

His widow said: “He loved Bolton, he loved the peace here because it reminded him of a small close knit village where everyone would know each other.

“Everyone in Bolton has been so nice to us, they all come together to help each other and that’s why he loved it here too.”

Now, Mrs Qamar’s priority is ensuring the welfare of her children, who she is raising alone, with no other family in the UK.

She said: “I just want the kids to study and do well in life. I hope they can become good people and as a family we will stick together.

“I hope this never happens to anyone else.”