A MAN grabbed his wife by the throat during a row over his use of drugs and gambling problem.

Blackburn magistrates heard the victim started to vomit and thought she was going to die.

Hasan Ul Haq, 34, of Troy Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assault. He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with a six months drug rehabilitation requirement and conditions he attends the Building Better Relationships programme and completes 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He was fined £50 with £85 costs and £95 victim surcharge and made subject to a restraining order for 12 months which prohibits any contact with his wife.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said the couple lived with his mother and on the day of the incident she was talking to the older woman.

"She had issues with him using drugs and gambling throughout the relationship but he hadn't been violent towards her until this incident," said Mr Robinson.

"She was trying to get his mother's support when he grabbed her by the wrists,"

Mr Robinson said the defendant left the room but returned five minutes later.

"He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall with force," said Mr Robinson.

"She had difficulty breathing and then started to vomit and said she thought she was going to die."

Romandeep Kular, defending, said his client accepted that he had lost control.

"He is happy to comply with the requirements of a community order as recommended by the probation service," said Mr Kular.