A MARCH round Blackburn town centre to celebrate the life of former MP Barbara Castle is being organised to mark the unveiling of her statue.

The bronze artwork of the Labour politician, which depicts her in her prime striding purposefully, will be the centrepiece of the new Jubilee Square.

Cllr Maureen Bateson, the driving force behind the statue, is now inviting local community groups and organisations to get involved in a celebration event to coincide with the unveiling.

It wants them to create homemade banners and placards highlighting her work and join in a rally around Blackburn town centre.

The placards will be used as part of a march from the statue through the town centre from 1pm on Saturday October 9.

Baroness Castle who was MP for Blackburn from 1945 to 1979 also served as a Euro-MP for Greater Manchester from 1979 to1989 before becoming a life peer in 1990.

She held five high-profile government posts and in 1970 introduced The Equal Pay Act.

As transport minister she introduced the breathalyser, confirmed the 70mph maximum speed limit and legislated for seat belts in new cars.

Baroness Castle died in 2002 aged 91.

Cllr Bateson and her fellow organisers are also seeking people who knew her to come forward with their memories and any memorabilia they might have.

A private screening of 'Made In Dagenham', a film about the strike which led to the Equal Pay Act, will be shown at the Reel Cinema on the day for those involved in the celebrations. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Ewood's Cllr Bateson, a friend of Baroness Castle, said: “Barbara fought to get elected in a man’s world and used to take her politics literally to the streets of Blackburn.

"To mark the unveiling of her statue, we wanted to do the same.

“We are inviting community groups to make placards highlighting the tremendous impact she had on not just Blackburn but the country as a whole and parade them through the street on the day.

"Individuals and groups are being encouraged to make placards with words such as Equal Pay for Women’ or ways to describe the politicians such as ‘Baroness Barbara of Blackburn’."

To take part in the event, or to book a place for the film screening, people should email lisa@vivapr.co.uk.