SEVERAL people have appeared in court for breaching coronavirus regulations during the height of the pandemic.

Magistrates courts across the country continue to process cases of people who went against Government rules while the country was under a strict lockdown.

In some instances, people who broke the rules have been ordered to pay as much as £2,000 by way of punishment.

Istvan Koszegi, of Gorse Street, Blackburn, was found guilty of leaving his home without a reasonable excuse on February 20.

The 59-year-old was fined £1,760 and ordered to pay costs of £266 – meaning he must pay a total of £2,026 by October 10 or find himself back in court.

Angela Craig, of East Park Road, Blackburn, was also fined and ordered to pay costs for leaving her place of living during the lockdown.

According to court documents, the 52-year-old was proved guilty of the breach, and ordered to pay £618.

Meanwhile Toni Gregory of Rothesay Road was fined for participating in a gathering of more than two people in her own home in February.

Gregory was proven guilty of the breach in her absence and ordered to pay £2,026 by October 12.

Master Ibrar Rashid, of Thorn Hill Close, was fined during a hearing at Preston Magistrates Court after he participated in a gathering while the town was under Tier 4 restrictions – meaning no such events could take place.

The 20-year-old was also ordered to pay £2,026 in costs and fines.

Lewis Hargreaves, of Padgate Place in Burnley, admitted participating in a gathering while the town was under Tier 4 regulations. The 21-year-old was ordered to pay £444 in costs and fines.

Jody Campbell, 34, of Westwood Street in Accrington was also ordered to pay more than £2,000 after he left his place of living without reasonable excuse on February 21.

All of these rulings were made in Lancashire’s Magistrates Courts during September