MEMBERS of a Darwen church are alarmed at plans to make the streets around it a parking permit zone.

They and its vicar fear the move could make it difficult for the congregation to attend services and for it to fulfil its parish role.

Blackburn with Darwen Council is currently consulting on restricting parking in the streets around St. Peter’s Church to resident and business permit holders between 8am and 6pm on Mondays to Saturdays.

Its vicar the Rev Fleur Green said: "We are very concerned.

"The major issue is that the church is used very day.

"I have been speaking to councillors about this.

"There will also be a problem with well-attended weddings and funerals.

"We got on well with the church's neighbours and let them know when there will be a big service and that parked cars will only be there for a couple of hours."

Parishioner Beryl Neale said: "The church has been there for nearly 200 years and has an active congregation. Sunday is not the only day it is used. There are services during the week, including funerals, weddings and baptisms.

"There are many groups that use it.

"At least four businesses will be affected. The hardest hit however will be the church. There are members of the congregation, including myself, who have mobility issues.

"Are the council going to deny us and the congregation access to the church we have attended for years? "

Cllr Phil Riley, Blackburn with Darwen Council's highways boss, said: “A consultation is being carried out for a number of streets around the Bank Street area in Darwen around residents' parking only.

"Parking has been an issue for residents in the area for some time, as it is close to Darwen town centre.

"They have raised concerns about being unable to park near to their homes.

"We want to come to a good conclusion for everyone.

"We have had a number of responses we will fully take on board, including those from parishioners.

"The proposed scheme is aimed at local residents and businesses but if it is felt it would cause more problems than it resolves then we would look seriously at that.”

Darwen East ward Liberal Democrat Cllr Paul Browne said: "I am dead against it. It will hit the local businesses and the church. The council should scrap the idea."