A MAN with a £70-a-day cannabis addiction took to selling the drug to fund his habit.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Zain Ul-Mir was rumbled after a tip-off led to police finding him on a bridge, where he was searched and found in possession of 10 snap bags containing cannabis.

He was also found with £115 in cash and two mobile phones which were later analysed.

Prosecuting, Stephen Parker said: “He was arrested and interviewed and during the course of that interview he admitted possession for his own personal use, saying he had only bought the cannabis 15 minutes beforehand.”

Ul-Mir was released under investigation but later re-arrested and charged with possession with intent to supply once the mobile phones had been analysed – with Mr Parker telling the court that one of the devices contained 13 separate conversations relating to the supply of drugs.

The 22-year-old has two previous convictions, both before the youth court, none of which were related to drug dealing.

In mitigation it was heard how Ul-Mir, of Grey Street, Burnley, started smoking cannabis at the age of 13, when he felt pressured by his friends.

Ul-Mir, who once had ambitions to become a pharmacist, was diagnosed with severe arthritis at the age of four – something which thwarted many of his dreams and aspirations, the court heard.

It was also heard how he has now significantly reduced his cannabis habit.

Jailing him for six months, suspended for 18, Judge Sara Dodd said: “I bear in mind you have no relevant previous convictions, your mitigation and your immaturity. You were 20 going on 21 at the time but it is clear from reading the reports that you are far from fully mature even now.”

Judge Dodd added: “I am satisfied there is a good chance of rehabilitation.”

Ul-Mir will also be required to attend 24 sessions at an attendance centre, 15 rehabilitation requirement days and will be subject to a curfew for one month.