A 100-year-old great, great grandma has managed to raise more than £1,000 after taking part in a Race For Life.

Elizabeth 'Betty' Johnson, from Blackburn, completed the Cleveleys 3k Race For Life for Cancer Research on September 20, on the 28th anniversary of her husband's death.

Betty, who has four children, several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great, great grandchildren, took the walk in her stride, and even had enough steam left to carry on all the way to Anchorsholme.

Lancashire Telegraph: Wendy Dakin and Betty Johnson take part in the race for life

Her daughter, Wendy Dakin said: "Mum's 100th birthday celebrations did not go to plan as we were still in lockdown.

"So when she said she wanted to do something I suggested she accompanied me on the Race for Life on September 1 at Witton Park.

"Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to take part as my son (her carer) had tested positive with Covid.

Lancashire Telegraph: Betty Johnson and her daughter Wendy Dakin

"Then my husband tested positive, and then mum tested positive.

"Mum was gutted not to be able to take part as we had been told by staff at the bacon stall in Blackburn Market that they had been raising money on her behalf for Cancer Research UK."

Knowing how disappointed Betty was, Wendy got in touch with the organisers to explain the situation.

She added: "They told me not to worry as we could arrange a different walk for anytime and any place.

Lancashire Telegraph: Wendy Dakin and her 'awesome' mum Betty Johnson

"So we decided to go to Cleveleys Promenade on September 20 as it was the 28th anniversary of my dad passing away.

"Mum walked with her wheelchair from the clock to the cafe and back.

"Many people were cheering her on and also donating cash while she was doing this."

Betty and Wendy managed to raise £33 on the day and were able to add that to the money raised from the bacon stall, which was £1,000.

Combined with donations from family and friends a total of £1,323 was raised for Cancer research UK.

Lancashire Telegraph: Betty crosses the finish line at the race for life

Wendy continued: "Surprisingly she was fit enough to carry on walking to Anchorsholme. Proud isn't the word.

"She is one awesome lady and takes everything life throws at her in her stride."

To sponsor Betty visit fundraise.cancerresearch.uk.org

Lancashire Telegraph: