A MAN who trapped a woman inside a room before exposing himself, stabbing his victim with a pair of scissors and sexually assaulting her has been jailed for life. 

Sam Rose, formerly known as Douglas Wilson, told two terrified women that he was in possession of a bomb while showing them a handmade device and lighter.

Preston Crown Court heard how the 48-year-old, who had taken spice, punched one of the women in the face and kicked her out of the room before barricading himself inside with his second victim and subjecting her to an ‘appalling hour-long ordeal’.

Summarising the case, Judge Heather Lloyd said: “You exposed your naked penis to her. It is no wonder that she was terrified for you were making stabbing motions with the scissors. You then subjected her to an appalling ordeal – physically and sexually assaulting her.

“As a result of what you subjected her to she was so fearful she lost consciousness. When she came to you physically and sexually assaulted her again and again using the scissors and at one point stabbed her to the leg. You tried to stab her to the head.

“She thought she was going to die and was screaming. Throughout you were masturbating.”

While this was taking place the first woman called the police, who later arrived and tasered Rose. In response he spat at the officers.

A third victim had also been subjected to Rose’s vile behaviour earlier that day, when he told her he was thinking about the different ways he could kill her while simultaneously exposing himself.

The court heard how Rose, who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and emotionally unstable personality disorder, had stopped taking his medication at the time of the attack.

He refused to cooperate during his police interview and later said he had no recollection of events.

Judge Lloyd said that he had ‘very significant mental health problems’ and had ‘clearly been let down by the mental health system’ in the past.

Jailing Rose, of Blackburn, for a minimum of six years and seven months for counts of sexual assault, actual bodily harm, assaulting police officers and false imprisonment, Judge Lloyd said: “I have no hesitation in determining that you are at significant risk of causing serious harm to any person in the future as a result of the commission of further specified offences.

“A determinate sentence would not fully address the risk you present, and I consider it necessary to impose an extended or a life sentence in order to protect the public in the future.

“This may be the first time you have committed a sexual offence, but it is clear to me the offending for which you are to be sentenced today is a serious escalation.

“At the very least until and unless you persistently take your medication, and refrain from illicit drugs, you will remain a danger.

“I am aware that life sentences are to be preserved for the most serious offences, but I am satisfied that you should not be released until the parole board consider that it is safe to do so. Should that ever occur, there would be the safeguard of recall to custody for the rest of your life.”

Rose will also be subject to notification requirements for the rest of his life.