A RECLUSE who thought he was talking to a 13-year-old girl was actually talking to paedophile hunters who had set-up a social media profile to snare sex pests.

Paul Snowden sent naked pictures of himself to the ‘girl’ and also spoke to her about his desires to see her wearing a school uniform.

Burnley Crown Court heard how the 51-year-old never tried to meet with the decoy, yet his details were taken and he was later arrested by the police.

Defending his client, James Heyworth argued there was a very strong prospect of rehabilitation for Snowden, of Standen Hall Drive, Burnley.

He said: “This is certainly well-trodden territory for the courts and in my submission it is mainly middle-aged men who are socially isolated, indulging in these fantasies which are in fact crimes.

“Fortunately as a matter of fact there was no child involved – that is at least something. The court does deal with cases where there are real children involved.

“In his mind this was someone on the receiving end of his criminal behaviour and he is quite rightly, thoroughly ashamed of himself.”

He added: “He cannot turn back time, all he can do is admit what he has done which is what he did, guilty pleas were entered at the earliest opportunity.”

Sentencing him for attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child, attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity and attempting to make a child look at an image of sexual activity, Judge Andrew Jefferies QC jailed Snowden for 14 months, suspended for two years.

Judge Jefferies said: “Over a number of discussions with that ‘child’ you developed a relationship, groomed who you thought was the child and requested and referred to various sex acts.

“You are 51 years of age and you have never been in trouble before. A number of reasons have been posted for why you engaged in this behaviour – none of them afford you any excuse.”

Judge Jefferies added: “There is mitigation available to you – your good character but perhaps more importantly is that in the author of the pre-sentence report’s view, your remorse and shame are genuine.”

In order to address Snowden’s issues and to reduce his risk to the public he will be worked with on a one-to-one basis.

Snowden's name will appear on the sex offender’s register for 10 years and he will be subject to notification requirements for the same period.