A MAN sent vile messages to his ex-partner threatening to put one of their children "in a box" and set fire to them both.

Blackburn magistrates heard Kirk Ian Andrews claimed he had taken some cocaine which frightened the children's mother because at the time they were with him.

Andrews, 33, of Richmond Crescent, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to sending a communication which contained a threatening message. He was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison suspended for two years.

He was made subject to a community order for two years which includes requirements to complete the building better relationships programme and 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was ordered to pay £128 victim surcharge and £85 costs and made subject to a restraining order for two years.

Graham Tindall, prosecuting, said on the day in question the children had gone to stay with the defendant.

"For some reason he wanted them to go home and started sending abusive messages to her," said Mr Tindall.

"She called the police and stopped reading the messages because they were upsetting her."

When he was interviewed Andrews admitted sending the messages but said there was no intent to carry out any of the threats.

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client accepted he had said some atrocious things in the messages he sent.

"They were not things he meant," said Mr Taylor.

"He has issues with anger and was trying to be as hurtful as he could. He was lashing out because of his anger issues."