A MAN admitted to police that he had given another man a "crack" because he had vomited outside his flat.

Blackburn magistrates heard Francis Brown objected to being arrested and as he was being placed in the back of a van he shouted "Covid" and coughed directly in an officer's face.

At the police station, as he was being stripped in a cell, he kicked out and caught another officer in the face.

Brown, 51, of Spring Bank Terrace, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assaulting Lance Cook common assault of an emergency worker and assaulting an emergency worker. He was made subject to a community order for 18 months with 30 days rehabilitation activity requirement and a six week curfew between 8 pm and 6 am. He was also ordered to pay £100 compensation to each officer.

Passing sentence Deputy District Judge Alex Boyd said that whatever was happening it wasn't for Brown to take the law into his own hands.

"What happened after the police officers I consider to be very serious," said Deputy District Judge Boyd. "In October last year most people were staying in their houses trying to avoid catching the deadly disease Covid.

"Police officers had to go out and do their jobs and they ought not to have to face this kind of thing when they are doing that. I could send you to prison today but I am just persuaded I can draw back from custody."

Graham Tindall, prosecuting, said police went to flats on Spring Bank Terrace following a 10.30pm call. They were met by Brown who said Lance Cook was responsible for there being sick everywhere and he admitted he had given him a "crack."

Graeme Parkinson, defending, said his client accepted that he lost his temper with Mr Cook as a result of his behaviour inside the flats complex.

He said there was no excuse for his behaviour in the van but said the assault at the police station occurred when he was taken to the floor by several police officers and lost all balance.