DOZENS of shops, homes and care facilities in East Lancashire are falling short of fire safety standards.

Three-quarters of public buildings inspected in the county last year were found in breach of fire safety regulations, the latest figures reveal.

Home Office data shows 369 buildings inspected by the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service in the year to March did not comply with fire safety laws – a huge 77 per cent of those inspected.

They included 68 shops, 61 houses in multiple occupancy and 38 care homes.

Fire services conduct audits on most public buildings and the shared areas of residential properties such as flats to make sure they meet safety regulations.

When inspections are unsatisfactory, auditors may issue an informal notification – for example to agree an action plan – or formal ones such as enforcement notices, warning that a building breaches the law.

In the most serious cases, inspectors may issue a prohibition notice to restrict or ban access to a building or they may prosecute those responsible for the property’s safety.

In the year to March, the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service issued 44 formal notifications, including 38 enforcement notices, three prohibition notices and one prosecution.

Matt Wrack, the FBU's general secretary, said: "It is understandable that audit figures have dipped during the pandemic, given the reduction in non-emergency contact with the public.

"Any shortfall in inspections needs to be made up, however.

"This may be difficult, though, with steep falls in the number of fire inspectors in recent years.

“This fall in inspectors is also concerning due to the building safety issues that have come to light since Grenfell and the increased number of buildings fire inspectors are responsible for."

Fire Minister Lord Greenhalgh said: “Stopping fires before they start is the best way to keep the places where we work and live safe, which is our number one priority.

"Where any issues are identified in initial desktop audits our fire and rescue services will follow up with full audits conducted in person.”