EAST Lancashire hospital bosses recorded three potential 'Never Events' in June where serious mistakes were made - two involving inserting probes into a patient's bowels.

The third related to the placing of an incorrect lens in an eye during an operation.

The incidents are detailed in papers submitted to this month's meeting of the board of the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust which runs the Royal Blackburn and Burnley General teaching hospitals.

In them its medical director Mr Jawad Husain tells members that three possible Never Events had come to light during June 2021.

His report says: "The first Never Event related to a patient who had had a scope inserted incorrectly during a colonoscopy procedure.

"A biopsy had been taken due to suspected cancer and that the patient had been admitted for further assessment, at which point it was realised what had occurred.

"This was clearly a Never Event and that a two-person confirmation would be required for when a scope was introduced for any future bowel inspections.

"A meeting had taken place with the clinician involved to reflect upon the incident.

"The second Never Event related to a patient who had been given a colonoscopy by mistake when one was not required.

"The patient had been taken through the appropriate consent process and had agreed to go ahead with the procedure.

"A round table had taken place following the incident and that there was recognition that in future the wording of the questions asked on the consent check may need to be changed to be more open-ended.

"The third Never Event related to an ophthalmology patient who had had an incorrectly sized lens inserted."

Mr Husain's report said the latter two of the three incidents would be stepped down from never event status at a later date.

He added that as they were serious incidents, they had gone through a through a full investigation process and lessons had been learned after review of endoscopy procedures..

Mr Husain also reported that a fourth serious incident had been flagged as a possible Never Event but a review had decided it did not meet the criteria to be classified as such.

He also revealed that from July 1 to August 31 staff at the trust reported 14 serious incidents.

Mr Husain said the top two categories were five pressures ulcers (a reduction of seven on the previous two months) and three diagnosis failures

He said there were also several reported problems in the trust involving slips, trips and falls on its premises.