A FORMER shoplifter returned to old habits because of financial pressures but on two occasions pressed the "mission abort" button.

Blackburn magistrates heard on both occasions Tracy Wilson had entered the stores equipped for theft and both times she left empty-handed after having a "what am I doing" moment.

Wilson, 48, of Hollin Bridge Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to going equipped for theft with a cardboard box wrapped in tin foil and theft of goods worth £100 from Home Bargains. She was given a conditional discharge for 18 months and ordered to pay £100 compensation.

Janice Vallance, prosecuting, said Wilson had gone into Sports Direct equipped with a foil lined bag and Home Bargains with a cardboard box wrapped in foil.

"That suggests an element of pre-planning," said Miss Vallance.

Damien Pickup, defending, said his client had a significant record for shoplifting and had resorted to old ways because of financial difficulties.

She accepted going into Sports Direct with the cardboard box and filling it with clothes.

"At that point she thought 'what am I doing' and put all the items back," said Mr Pickup.

"In Home Bargains she left the trolley in the aisle and then returned most of them to the shelves.

"There is no suggestion from the papers I have read that she walked out with any of the items."

Mr Pickup said it was accepted the offences were made out.

"In both cases there is an element of 'mission abort, what am I doing'" said Mr Pickup.