A BRAVE NHS worker who worked throughout the pandemic was struck down with an aggressive form of terminal brain cancer during lockdown.

Zara Taylor, 31, was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme in January after suffering seizures and short-term memory loss at the end of last year.

Zara, an NHS clerk at Blackpool's Victoria Hospital, attended her own hospital in December and January after suffering seizures at home.

But doctors discharged her after blood tests failed to find anything serious.

However, she returned to hospital later in January after a third seizure and an MRI scan revealed a 52-mm brain tumour.

She said: "With hindsight, I can't believe that I was told I could continue driving and that no further tests were carried out."

A month later, Zara underwent life-saving surgery to remove the tumour at Royal Preston Hospital.

Zara Taylor after brain surgery

Zara Taylor after brain surgery

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, her husband Jordan was not allowed into the hospital.

They were told Zara should expect to stay in hospital between seven and ten days, with no visitors allowed.

After the eight-hour operation, the tumour was removed successfully, and Zara woke up feeling well.

Despite the risks of paralysis, she recovered without any negative effects and was discharged after two days.

She added: "I rang Jordan and he couldn't believe I was talking to him from the recovery room. He was amazed at how well I sounded and I was just so happy to be alive."

But less than two week later, Zara's biopsy revealed that she had a highly aggressive brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and her prognosis was estimated as 12-18 months.

Zara said: "Jordan and I were in utter shock. We just stared at the walls, not able to comprehend what we were hearing."

She began a six-week course of radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy in March, at Rosemere Cancer Centre in Preston.

She added: "Thankfully, I coped really well with the treatment. Other than some tiredness, I felt fine.

"The worst thing about it was losing clumps of my long, thick hair. I have experimented with wigs though - I currently have three and enjoy trying different colours and styles."

Zara is now on the strongest level of chemotherapy, but continues to work from home.

She is due to finish her chemo in the autumn and continues to have quarterly scans to check her tumour status.

Zara has raised over £4,000 for Brain Tumour Research as part of the Jog 26 Miles in May Challenge.

Her dad Keith Walsh is taking part in the Cycle 274 Miles in August Challenge to help raise more funds for find a cure for Zara's aggressive cancer.

To support Zara, you can donate to Brain Tumour Research by visiting www.facebook.com/donate/534439484276658.