AN INNOVATIVE device developed in Blackburn that uses cloud technology to allow customers to receive and sort receipts digitally is ready to hit the market.

Entrepreneur Shakir Lincoln, NOUMI Digital Receipts' sales and marketing director, and fellow director Shiraz Gadatra began developing the app and device last Autumn, announcing at the time that they were seeking to patent their invention and where looking for potential development partners.

Now, Mr Lincoln has confirmed that their product is almost ready to start making waves across the retail sector.

He said: "We employed industry experts in both NFC technology and app development to make this happen and I can say with great satisfaction we have nearly completed our development.

"Our digital receipting solution has attracted some great interest from around the world, we have had an offer to buyout as well as licensing enquiries from countries such as China, South Africa and Europe to name a few.

"Our patents where granted in the meanwhile so we are now ready to hit the market."

The app will be used to download customers' receipts and will then automatically sort them into different categories, for examples groceries, making it easier to store, archive and access again later.

The device, used by retailers, will be attached to electric point of sale systems, uploading receipts directly to customers' apps.

Customers will be able to collect their receipts by placing their phone on the store's NOUMI device.

They will then be able to view the digital receipt on their phone, even without an internet connection.

As well as reducing the costs of operating till rolls for retailers, Mr Lincoln believes that as will as being convenient for customers, this will also be advantageous to the environment by eliminating the need for paper copies.

The Blackburn company, based on Witton Business Park, Cartmell Road, has now partnered with IT installation firm ARC Services who who will oversee sales, installation and after sales care for NOUMI devices, and have already piqued the interest of several high street retailer in the product.

Mr Lincoln believes NOUMI could have huge potential and become one of the town's major business success stories.

He said: "We have spent close to £350,000 on development and we had an offer to buyout from an Austrian based firm for couple of million which we refused due to the potential of NOUMI and interest we have had to date."

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