A MAN made vile threats to his ex-partner about what he was going to do to her and their infant daughter.

Blackburn magistrates heard Richard Thomas Rooney had initially had pleasant exchanges but turned nasty when he was told he couldn't see the child.

Rooney, 37, of Newton Street, Darwen, pleaded guilty to harassment and producing cannabis.

The case was a adjourned for a hearing when evidence will be produced to establish the facts of both cases after Simon Gretton, defending, said his client pleaded guilty on a limited basis.

Steven Woodman, prosecuting, said the initial contact was pleasant with Rooney asking about the child and if he could see her.

"When he was told no he became more aggressive and abusive," said Mr Woodman.

"He then made threats to take their daughter from nursery or school telling his partner that one day she would take her eye off the ball."

In other calls he called the child ugly and said he hoped she would get cancer and die.

"More disturbingly he threatened to rape their daughter and petrol bomb his ex-partner's house," said Mr Woodman. "This left her feeling extremely anxious."

Mr Gretton said the prosecution version of events was not accepted by his client.

"When you first look at the prosecution facts they are very distasteful," said Mr Gretton.

"My client says there has been some history which involved his daughter and his ex-partner's son. He believes some of this is tit-for-tat and she has exaggerated what he has done.

"He admits being abusive on at least two occasions but denies the more colourful aspects of the aggrieved's allegations," he added.